Those of you who knew me pretty well, must've known Ashley as well. She's my 3 year old cute and adorable cross-bred Pomeranian Maltese. She's pretty, cute, adorable, cute, smart and cute (sounds like I'm obsessed with her!!!!!!). Ashley is my other sunshine in my life (apart from my youngest sister who can always come up with the funniest jokes when I'm feeling blue), which explains why I can never wait to go back home coz she's always there to make me feel happy. I bought her pink doggie shoes when I went back home last holiday and we took her for an afternoon walk. She's one lucky dog I can say, she slept with us in the bedroom, she have her own bed and bean bag and bolster, but she chose to sleep on the bed (as you can imagine, she's too spoilt that we just let her sleep on the bed).
When I'm back in Jakarta, I went out for a coffee late at night with few other girls to a nearby Gloria Jeans coffeeshop located in a sportsclub. The girls and I decided to bring Ashley along to the coffeeshop and so we did and that's Ashley's first 'ngafe' experience. Turns out, we weren't the only girls who's checking out on guys, Ashley did too. One of the girls took her for a walk around the club and after a while of calm and quiet walk, Ashley turn her direction and chase 3 teenage boys who's about to walk out of the club. We were all laughing and we had a fun night, I'm sure Ashley would agree on that as the minute she went home, she jumped right on bed and dozed of to la-la land. Well, I'll write more about Ashley in the near future.
Ashley ashley...thats the statement you will hear from her. Dont wish too much to expect her say other than that. Well, we dont need her explaination though. The truth will always still be the truth. Our precious adorable ashley is very cute. Never seen such a smart dog before. Her existence in our house no longer as our pet, but we treat her as our lil’sister. Maybe it sounds weird, but its true. If you keep a dog like her, you will never feel like you are having a pet.
Next topic, as you can read from her blog, she mentioned her younger sister. Well, thats me!!HeLLoo!! so proud my name being mentinoned there, eventhought she doesnt make any blog about me...T_T, but i still happy at least she didnt forget me. =P
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