Sunday, July 22, 2007

Starting.. yet again

I've started working again.. It certainly feels good to be working again.. although I have to admit after being unemployed for about 5 months, working does feel tiring. Especially now that I work 2 jobs... I'm a preschool teacher and also a therapist for autistic kids.

The school I work at located very near to my dad's office, which is a good thing. Because since I work 2 jobs I don't get to see them as much as I used to. So having close workplace really helps as I can easily drop by for a while before driving off to the therapy session.

So far, I'm loving what I'm doing, although I admit it gets very tiring since I start work at 7ish a.m and got home after teaching and therapy around 7-8 p.m. Initially, my parents object what I did and lots of people were wondering if I don't feel tired. I think I do feel tired, especially if its a bad day of bad traffic, bad weather, not enough sleep, naughty and cranky student and loads of headache, but then I thought to myself, I'm still young, still in a good age for employment, able to work and not married. Why not use that opportunity to gain all the experiences I can get, make friends everywhere to create network and make money on my own. As a female, we can't deny the fact that we need to slow down sometime in future to think about family.. so while I still can.. why not?

And without any judgment to anybody, I personally think that women will be better mother and wife if she's been 'out there' creating her own self value and self worth.

ps: One important lesson that I've learned was 'the only thing worst that being extremely busy is to have nothing to do at all'. ;)


Blogger Therry said...

LOL. Tell me about it. I was unemployed for God knows how long and it was the most terrible thing ever.

Congrats on your new jobs Syl. But hopefully you won't be working for someone else forever :P

Start your own school! That'll be the coolest thing ever.

I'm done being an employee.

Hint: Don't ever work with pharmacists - they're all IDIOTS. Especially Indo ones.


Monday, July 23, 2007 11:11:00 PM  
Blogger SyL said...

really?? u're quitting ur job at dexa?

believe it or not ther, I've got at least 10 offers from my friends who wants to share in opening a school, 1 doctor who offered a building in a fabulous location PLUS 50% share and at least 15 friends of my parents who wants to open a school with me.. hahahaha

unfortunately, i don't think i'm well equipped for that yet... need a lot more 'jam terbang' and lots more network and connections...

maybe someday.. ;))

Tuesday, July 24, 2007 4:41:00 PM  
Blogger Therry said...

Hmmm...I reckon u shud take the chance tho. I'm not saying u made a mistake for not taking them offers but choose wisely anyhow. But it's good to know ur in demand :)

Read my blog. I'm taking a big decision already.

Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:38:00 PM  
Blogger irine said... got a job you bludger. Haha. Congrats. Pantes ilang langsung.

Monday, July 30, 2007 6:32:00 PM  
Blogger SyL said...

ther: maybe someday i would.. but definitely not now.. i wanted to focus on the quality of education i provide for now, coz when i start my own school, my priority will be making money and not so much the quality i give my students.. ;)

rin: thanks babe, i guess i'm done being a bludger huh.. hehehe... iya nih.. langsung ilang dari peradabaan!!!!

Monday, July 30, 2007 8:30:00 PM  
Blogger SyL said...

haha.. are u interested in applying for my service?

Wednesday, August 15, 2007 8:36:00 PM  

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