Thursday, July 28, 2005

Morning person??

Today, I have to wake up at 8 to attend my 9 o'clock class and I found myself dragging my lazy ass to the shower.. and somehow on my way to uni I manage to start functioning my brain and think to myself 'How the hell does people wake up soo early in the morning to get into their daily routine?' and suddenly I remembered that some of my good friends are actually 'that' kind of people - the morning person type.

When I was in high school, this very good friend of mine actually woke up at 4 am and do her own stuff before getting ready to school (school starts at 7:30), and apparently my house is located so much further from the school (took around 1 hour to get to school, which means I have to leave at least by 6:30) and her house was located somewhere in between my house and the school. Well, as you guys would've suspected, yes.. I woke up at around 6ish.. I opened my eyes, a quick glance at my alarm clock.. close my eyes again and the next second I was jumping out of my bed rushing to the bathroom, took a quick shower and on my way out.. grab my socks, shoes and breakfast .. and get into the car. . and that's how I usually have breakfast.. in the car. Because of that habit, I actually made my car .. my second room. I have combs, hair-roller, hair-pin, and a small pillow and bolster.

I know that waking up early somehow means that you have a longer day and there's alot more things can be done during the day.. but no matter how hard I tried.. I just couldn't. I've tried sleeping in early, in the hope of waking up earlier, and yet when I woke up I'm still feeling a bit frustrated and still wishing that I have a few more hours of sleep. Recently I start thinking, what happen then when I start working? Will I be feeling frustrated every morning? I think and I HOPE that this is just a matter of habit. HOPEFULLY, by the time I'm working I'd be responsible enough to wake up maybe 1-2 hour before, to be well prepared.. Hahahaha.. I wish..


Blogger Zie said...

ahh!! this is cool!! u have a blog too!! geez.. when i was reading it.. i can't help but noticing that you were mentioning 'about a high school friend'... uhmmm ... 4.30 am! waking up.. and i'm like HUMMMMMMMMMM!!! siapa yahhh!!! kiyaaaaaaaaa!!! najiz... gua aneh banged yahhh!!!! :D

Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:16:00 PM  
Blogger SyL said...

Yes.. Yes.. u got it right.. we both know who she is.. hahahahahaha

Thursday, July 28, 2005 4:27:00 PM  
Blogger irine said...

Well...I'm kinda a morning person juga seeeehhh...tapi ga separah itu. 7.30 am is my limit during holidays, though lately its been getting worse. I now wake up at 6ish!! Syl..kangen...hehe

Saturday, July 30, 2005 7:00:00 PM  
Blogger SyL said...

iya nihhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... gw kangen juga ama luuuuuu!!! makanya kesiniiii!! btw io said we REALLY looks like lesbos... hiyyyyy scaryy!! gw masi nepsong ama co kok yoo!! irine cuma cadangan gw.. my 'just in case' !! hahahahah

Saturday, July 30, 2005 10:00:00 PM  
Blogger Therry said...

Relax girl...when you get to work, your body adjust to it automatically...for example? ME!! know I sleep worse than you! But I still sleep for 16 hours during the weekend thhough..hmmmn..

Sunday, July 31, 2005 4:11:00 PM  
Blogger SyL said...

hahaha iya ther.. i know you.. kita emang sama2 kebo kok.. i remember dulu kalo mau kluar slalu telatt!! gara2 kita bedua ga bisa bangun!! oh well!! :D

Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:33:00 PM  

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