Thursday, June 19, 2008

A silly thought..

Okay, I'm pretty sure that this posting will probably made you think that I'm a.. weirdo. But yah, I don't care so here goes..

As you would have already know I have 2 very adorable dogs.. Ashley and Hazel. Ashley's 6 years old, got her while I was in Melbourne. Have her shipped over here roundabout 3-4 years ago. I took care of her from when she's just 2 months old. She sleeps with me and follows me wherever I go. Hazel on the other hand is 1.5 years old and I was already back for good in Jkt and working when we got her. My maid, loved them veryyy veryy much and took a great care of them.

So I started noticing that Hazel are very attached to my maid, so I played with them whenever I have the time and one day we were going to the vet. I held Hazel and my maid held Ashley. My maid walk out of the door first to the car, suddenly, whilst in my arms, Hazel howl and cried like mad while looking at the maid and Ashley. People can actually hear her cry from a few house away. We tried that again for a few days and it always brings the same reaction, Hazel would cry really bad. One day I walked out holding Ashley, Hazel just sat there and did nothing. As silly as it sound, in my head I was cursing 'what the hell, I'm the one who's been feeding and giving you this good life and you don't even care if I'm gone and you howled like mad when the maid is going away'.

After that incident, I started noticing how close Hazel is to my maid. Like Hazel would sit and wait behind the door if my maid went out. She'd wag her tails soo hard on my maid's presence.

I told my mom about this, and she laughed so hard. She said 'Its understandable coz u're away for work from early in the morning, and you came back late at night, and sometimes you're not home on the weekends too. And the one who've been taking care of the details is the maid'. I go on explaining that although I was rarely home but Ashley is still very much attached to me but not Hazel.

And I thought to myself, I guess this is what it feels like when your children is closer to the nanny than us as the mom. Then I thought, this is just dogs we're talking about, if its really my children, I'm gonna feel a thousand time worst than this.


Blogger irine said...


But yes, you have a point there. When I was living in a boarding house in Sg, the owner's baby would only allow the maid to carry her. She'd cry if the mum tries to hug/carry her.

Just make sure that when you have your kids, that maid doesn't work for you Syl... Hehe.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 8:50:00 AM  
Blogger SyL said...

rin: why do you have to start the comment with that kinda laugh rin?? heuheuehu

anyway, i've told my mom. when i a baby of my own, I hope I'm granted with a good health so I can nurse the baby on my own without the help of a nanny. Ameen!! I wouldn't want to miss any development milestone of the baby for the nanny to see. huehueheue

Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wakakaka...(following Irine's evil laugh)

Syl: You've been talking about having a baby, now the question is when are you going to make babies? Wakakaka... Don't mind this comment, I'm not in my straight mind.

Thursday, June 19, 2008 5:05:00 PM  
Blogger boy said...

anjingnya syl galak-galak....

Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:59:00 PM  
Blogger SyL said...

io: now now yo.. dont miss me that much! hahaha.. gosip de lo yo..

boy: mangkanya kenalan biar ga digalakin.. situ kalo jemput nunggu di depan doang sih.. jadi pada ngamuk deh si kaki 4.. huwahuwahwua

Friday, June 20, 2008 2:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Micah juga sama koq, he spends most of his time with me, jadi meskipun ada cowok gue jg dia lebih nurut ke gue.

bobok aja maunya disisi gue, bukan disisi dia lol

Hang on a sex... if ur not home on weekends then were do you go to?

Does Boy have something to do with this? LOLLL

Saturday, June 28, 2008 2:38:00 AM  
Blogger SyL said...

ther: weekends.. mostly out with friends sometimes with boy sometimes with others.. or pampering myself with spa or treatment with my girlfriends..

dah lama ya boy ga kluar bareng.. hehehe.. hayu kapan lagi..

Monday, June 30, 2008 11:43:00 PM  

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