What the......... !!!!!!!
I was walking around the city going into small stores at the side of the road when I notice a box of gum called the Handzoff. I thought to myself it was a funny name for a gum, and so I picked it up and read it.
Yes.. true to the name.. it was really to keep hands off something..
Its an anti-masturbatory gum.
In the package it says something like 'When you're having a sudden urge and not in a good situation, pop one of these and you'll be fine for the next 4 to 6 hours. And you may take up to 120 pieces daily as needed'
I mean.. seriously.. does someone actually need a gum to control their sexual urges?? Personally I think any kind of urges is an issue of mind over matter.. and its all just in our mind. The brain is up in our head.. not down there wherever that is.. Yes?? No??
Yes.. true to the name.. it was really to keep hands off something..
Its an anti-masturbatory gum.
In the package it says something like 'When you're having a sudden urge and not in a good situation, pop one of these and you'll be fine for the next 4 to 6 hours. And you may take up to 120 pieces daily as needed'
I mean.. seriously.. does someone actually need a gum to control their sexual urges?? Personally I think any kind of urges is an issue of mind over matter.. and its all just in our mind. The brain is up in our head.. not down there wherever that is.. Yes?? No??
And I tawt that mast. is good? Releases all the tension rite?
well yeah.. it is good. but its adult we're talking about. can't they control it? like maybe wait a little later? it doesn't have to be right-here-right-now kind of thing does it??
LOL Screw HANDZOFF... If you can't do it, ask someone to do it for you!!!!
so it IS a right-here-right-now kind of thing huh... hehhehehe
aduhh syl kok aneh2 aja siih.. hihhi such a lame gum!
why would you want to stop people from masturbating?? if no one does it, the whole world will be a lot more miserable than it already is!!! imagine how sexually frustrated we'd all be wekekekeekkeke...
hahaha.. i knoww.. the world is going crazy hey.. masa ada gum kaya gitu.. i wonder how it works.. yes ther.. in fact there's been research that masturbation relaxes people.. hahahaha
well...you gotta release SOMETHING at least...hohohohohoh
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