Romantic or desperate?
We all know that when girls get together, one of the most talked about topic are .. guys. And often, they tell stories about their boyfriend, their friend's boyfriend or their friends' friend's boyfriend.. Telling us some of the good and bad things the boyfriend did to their girlfriend. Being girls, we compare.. between A's boyfriend to B's boyfriend, or A's boyfriend to C's boyfriend or even.. their boyfriend to my boyfriend (secretly in my mind of course!). And more often than not, they tell stories about boyfriends who did something disturbingly romantic for the girlfriend.
A friend of mine, told me a story where her friend was in a long distance relationship when they broke up after a heated argument. The guy actually flew all the way across the country to apologize and get back with her. Just as he arrived from a 5-6 hours flight, he didn't even rest or checked-in first, he took a taxi to the girl's house. Since it was already late at night, he couldn't really knock on the door since the girl's parents were there. So he threw some peebles at the window.. and he apologized. Right there and then!!
At that point, I was trying to imagine how the girl must've felt. I think she must've felt as if her prince charming was there to rescue her in his white horse and away they go to live happily ever after.
But then.. it got me thinking.. what would it be like if the 2 characters are switched. The girl instead of the guy who flew all the way and apologize?
So here's the question..
When men attempted bold-disturbingly-romantic-gestures, its generally considered romantic. But why is it that when women do it, its often considered desperate or psycho. How can we ever prove that it was neither, that its just pure and simple love or sorry?
Its like saying men are allowed to be romantic, but women are never allowed to be romantic and when they did try, they are just plain desperate. There was once when I tried to plan the perfect event for my boyfriend after a really bad argument to show him how sorry I am and how much he meant to me and I was telling my friends about it. I was expecting the ooh's and aah's so sweet response, instead all I got was 'Are you sure.. Don't you think he'd be freaked out if you did that? He might think of you as desperate or crazy'.
The best explanation that I can think of for this might be because of pride. We all know that men are famous for their pride and ego. And by being soooo romantic the guy are ignoring their so called manhood - the pride and ego, in exchange for the girl's love and forgiveness.
Personally, I have to admit that I am a hopeless romantic. It doesn't take a fly-across-the-country to give me the goosebumps, its just as simple as showing up unexpectedly for lunch or to take me home after work. For me, its not so much about how much effort, sometimes its just little things.. I think it goes by the saying.. its the thought that counts.
Ps: If I'm the girl in the story where the boyfriend flew all the way to apologize I would've jumped out of the window straight away. :p
The best explanation that I can think of for this might be because of pride. We all know that men are famous for their pride and ego.
==> masa sih??? gwe gak kayak gitu koq huehehehe...
Mungkin salah kita juga kali yah...I mean, girls are a LOT more jaim when it comes to love. And thus, kalo ada yang sedikit pride-less (this is not an official word, btw), ce tuh biasanya suka yang.."Ih, ga tau malu banget deh tuh ce..."
Am I right? Or am I right? Hehe
In my opinion sih it doesn't matter who is the actor loh. There's a big difference between being romantic and being desperate.
It's true that girls are more "jaim" when it comes to love but some boys do the same thing also.
Maybe yg bisa jadi guideline disini is if the "Love" still there then it's romantic and if it isn't it's ABSOLUTELY desperate. So go on girl you can be romantic too. :)
boy = ah masa sihh.. tunggu de gw korek2 dulu lu nyaa.. hahahhaa
rin = girls?? jaim?? ah masa sih.. kalo lagi pdkt mungkin iya.. kalo uda jadian kayaknya enga de..
alam = i say there's a really fine line between romantic and desperate... hehehe. Now u know what my idea of romantic are.. so go on guys.. be romantic! :p
huehuehuehuehuehuehueh maybe you're right. it's a matter of apa yah...kebiasaan kale yaaa...i mean we're so used looking at boys going all desperate over their gfs but when it goes the other way round, it seems to be disturbingly desperate instead of romantic
ps. sorrie i wasnt able to join u guys last saturday. how wassit?
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