Think twice before getting sick..
I was absent from work 2 days in a row because of the flu and sore throat (which has resulted in loosing my voice). The first day was quite enjoyable coz I get to do nothing and watch movies the whole day, the second day has gotten into into my nerves as I was getting bored of doing nothing and I started missing my students. So, although I haven't quite feel healthy, I went to work the next day thinking that it was only a day coz the next day will be the start of weekend anyway.
I happily got to work in the morning, only to find my 9 students out of 15 present at school, the others were absent. Mind you, my class has always been famous for the almost complete absent everyday. Be it Ramadhan celebration (where they should be absent coz there's no nanny), or rainy season, or the flu season. They are still going to be present at school, not wanting to be absent. I've even got a few report from parents saying their kids wanted to go to bed early coz they want tomorrow to come early so they can go to school. When I was a that age, my mom had to struggle getting me to school every morning!!
Anyway, I thought most of my students were getting the flu too because everybody seemed to be getting it. When it was time to dismiss them, some of their parents came and pick them up and I chatted with them. They told me that their child - who has been present for the 2 days I was absent - reported to their parents that they doesn't want to go to school anymore if I'm not there and that they don't like the substitute teacher. And that was followed by a long list by their children on why they didn't like the substitute teacher.
Most of the parents called the school up in the morning to check if I'll be teaching today in class and if I'm not they're not going to bother sending their child. There's also a parent who brought me some chinese medicine and some tea to help me with my sore throat coz her son refuse to go in the school after knowing I was absent. Jokingly, she said 'You better don't get sick anymore now that I gave you the medicine, my son won't come to school if you're not here!!!'. Turns out her son came to school for the whole 2 days and after getting to the gate, he asked the gatekeeper if I was there and when he knows I wasn't he cried to his mom telling her he wants to go home.
I have also heard from a parent that their child does not want to move into higher level if it means they will have different teacher, and the child actually used the word 'Doesn't want to go to school anymore'. There's actually some parents who've asked me to move and teach their class as their child move every year.
F.Y.I.. lets not forget to keep in mind that my students are mostly 3 year olds. I don't remember being that good in complaining when I was that age. *sigh*
me toooo!!! if i don't like the teacher, i'd be thinking of dozen of reasons to ditch class're a very good teacher syl
syl: hehehe..ur such a mum...
very good teacher
Man, do I want to see u surrounded by those kids...
"Miss Sylviaaaa.....Jimmy bite my armss!!! Hwuuuarrrgghhhh.."
"I did not!!!"
"Did too!!!"
cn = hehehe.. thanks..
rin = why such a mum??? I don't get it!! ga mudeng nih gw..
boy = wanna be my student??
therry = that scene actually happens at least 10 times in a day!! and when that happens i put both of them on time out and get them to apologize to each other.. and as I turn my head from that scene, the same incident are happening with the other children.. hahahaha
"DID TOO!!!"
DID-ARRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (noise similar to a raped ape)!!!"
"Mizzzeeelllbeeahhh...hwuargghhghhh...(sobbing noise continues)"
If I were you, I'd have a nervous breakdown right then and there. How did u do it Syl???
Those kids... I mean..those kids... (shiver)
hey updateeeeeeee
yweaawhh swylll updwatteeee
hey is the word verification thing gotten longer and longer, u think?
i nearly dosh my eyes out trying to read the letters!
sorrryyyy peopleeee!!!!!!!!
I'm soo busy, I hardly have any time left to breath...!!
arrrggghhhhh!!!!! I wish the time will stop and I could sleep all day long without anybody bothering me!!!
Somebody please kidnap me!!
tempting thought. I'll just go do some grocery shopping first then because I'm off 'getting' a new sous chef to cook me some baikut mwahahahhaahhahaha
so much for sleep all day if we kidnap you hahahahahaha
she'll love it.
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