On relationship..
Today, I stayed at home. Didn't go to work coz I came down with a really bad flu and I lost my voice. Its funny how I sometimes feel grateful falling sick coz that means I have time to do unimportant stuff a.k.a doing nothing. So while hugging a box of tissue and drinking lots of 'liang teh', I camped myself on the couch in front of the TV, watching my favourite show, Oprah.
It was on the topic of great love. There are 4 remarkable-great-love-stories compiled on the show. I have to say, each and every one of the stories really does put a smile on my face. One thought crept into my mind after watching the show and that is how love works its way into people's life in an unexpected, amazing and magical way.
I am blessed enough to have experienced great love in my life. Although I'm currently single, I have once been in an almost-into-marriage relationship. We've got into the phase of talking about where the wedding would take place, how much money we're going to put into it, what kind of wedding dress we both like and we even agreed on the name of our kids. Sometimes, couples are so into preparing their once in a lifetime reception that they forgot that it wasn't about the wedding and it should be about the marriage. And sometimes in the middle of all the glitz and glitters of the preparation, they forgot that this special significant other might have their wants and needs. Or in my case, I wanted the relationship to work so badly that I thought I knew what's best for the relationship and thus I disregard whatever he might think. And as a result, I forgot that he might have some opinion on the matter that is worth considering.
Anyway, I learn that taking relationship to the next level means both partners have to make the commitment that their partner has to come first. If both partners acknowledge that kind of understanding between one another, they would be able to compromise and in turn appreciate the ongoing process of giving and taking between them. And before they know it, its becoming a habit in their relationship.
I once learned that relationship is like a chair. If there's 4 legs to the chair, then the chair would be solid and would be a safe chair to sit in. You've got to have 1. Friendship, 2. Common mission and values, 3. Negotiated division of labour and priorities and 4. Sex and intimacy. And not having one of those factor means you will be seating in a chair with missing leg which I don't think anybody in a right mind would do.
Anyway, my great love relationship that I described above didn't turn out as everybody expected. I guess there must be one or two leg/s missing on the chair, lol. But, I can look back and say it was considered my great love relationship.
In conclusion, relationship is not meant to be easy, but I think with the right person, every journey will in turn be worth it.
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And for what its worth.. I forgive you.. not just in words, but in my heart, I forgive you. I thank you for everything that had happened, the good and the bad. The good - for all the wonderful memories that will never go away through time (even until I'm old and grey) and also the bad - for all the pain and heartache has definitely made me a better person today. :)
I'm so happy that you have had a revelation. It's a big step in life, realising what you have uncovered. Can't wait for you find your perfect chair Syl... :)
I have sat on a very stable 3 legged chair before. Heck, I've even sat on a quite sturdy 1 legged chair. Your chair metaphor isn't working, Syl. Hehehehe....
irine = thanks rin... yuk kita cari kursi.. hehe
fbuh = then u must be the person who's not in ur right mind.. ngapain jg duduk di kursi kaki 1.. anyway, it might work for some other readers. thanks for the opinion anyway.
Nice posting Syl. I bet your next great love will have the perfect chair already without u ever having the struggle to carve it at all. Just have faith.
inilah hasil dari kelamaan bengong di rumah :)
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