My PRECIOUS Holiday..
I had the most amazing holiday during the lebaran break this year. I was excited about leaving for holiday but I never thought I'd came back feeling so thankful for my life. I am beyond happy and this holiday has made me realized that I have everything that I needed in life.
I was actually planning to visit my sisters in Melbourne and help them with the moving (coz my sisters used to share a house together with 5 other housemates, now they're moving out and renting an apartment to share between the 2 of 'em). Then I thought I might as well visit my best friend in Sydney, as its only a couple of hours away.
So my holiday started in Sydney where I visit her for a couple of days. She and her husband picked me up at the airport and we spent the whole day just talking away and lazying around her house. For the next couple of days, we went shopping, we cooked dinner together, and we did everything together. She joked to me about it before I left that she had took days off from work so she's gonna follow me around like a stalker. I actually have to thank her husband for allowing me to steal her during the time I was there. Each night after shower, her hubby would go straight to their room and sleep. And she'd go straight to my room and we chatted till we almost fell asleep. Visiting her was definitely the highlight of my year. Can't wait to see her again..
After Sydney, I flew to Melbourne to join my family. My parents were already there and I spent a week there with them. I had a wonderful time with them. Especially with my youngest sister. I've missed her so much and being able to spend time with her was a bliss.
Usually after holidaying, I was pretty exhausted and happy to get back home. Not the case this time though. For the first time, I was upset about coming back home. Don't really know why maybe because I left two very important people in my life there..
I was hoping to see them again at the end of the year and hopefully this time I get to spend more time in Sydney.. ;))
Are you sure I'm the only you're missing in Sydney? wink wink :)
Wahhh something fishy nih. What happened in SYD? Do I miss something? Pantesan ditungguin ga pulang-pulang yaa..
so, 'I was actually planning to visit my sisters in Melbourne and HELP THEM WITH THE MOVING'..
u r so lucky that the apart is clean, tidy and DONE when u got heree..
and also, u havent finish ur assignment..oven and tv..
irine: i miss you the most!! does dat help?? hehehe yeah.. i miss lotsa people there.. ;)
yenny: hahaha.. u'll know when its time cii.. hehehe
mel: i'm on holiday mel!! no assignment.. no nothing..
Are you sure you miss Irine the most in Sydney??? Not another person??? Tetep maksa gini gue biar yg lain tau ceritanya, karena gw udah tau. Hahaha
io: norak lo yoo!! hahaha..
updet dong...
eh, blog gwe yang baru nih...
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