
The past few months have been a tremendously difficulty time for me, and for a period of time, I think I cried almost everyday. And still, I wasn’t that lucky, as time passes by, some painful truth uncovers and that made me fall even harder to the ground. And then I realized, I have changed. Now.. I hate crying. I hate the feeling of not having power over myself. I hate the fact that I was that stupid to let other people hurt me that bad. The more I cried, the more I hate myself. I hated myself so much that I always try to tell myself not to cry and to hold my tears back and it made my heart felt like its burning inside.
I was watching Oprah this afternoon, and it was on the topic of moving past a painful ordeal. The stories presented in the show were about accidentally killing someone you love and thank God, my case wasn’t as bad as that. But somehow, the things that were said in the show hit me real hard. One guest of the show was a guy who accidentally killed his wife by forgetting to turn off the car engine while the garage door was closed and he left to work, eventually his wife and 2 dogs died of carbon-monoxide inhalation. He said “The best path to healing is to stop asking a thousand ‘whys’ and a thousand ‘what ifs’, and cry for a long as you want. Don’t be scared to express your anger and your sadness, learn to love yourself by being sensitive to your own feelings by crying it out, and don’t punish yourself any longer”.
I was watching Oprah this afternoon, and it was on the topic of moving past a painful ordeal. The stories presented in the show were about accidentally killing someone you love and thank God, my case wasn’t as bad as that. But somehow, the things that were said in the show hit me real hard. One guest of the show was a guy who accidentally killed his wife by forgetting to turn off the car engine while the garage door was closed and he left to work, eventually his wife and 2 dogs died of carbon-monoxide inhalation. He said “The best path to healing is to stop asking a thousand ‘whys’ and a thousand ‘what ifs’, and cry for a long as you want. Don’t be scared to express your anger and your sadness, learn to love yourself by being sensitive to your own feelings by crying it out, and don’t punish yourself any longer”.
gw juga suka nangis Syl...n sometime i have a really good one tat can calm me down...n after tat, all we have to do is be strong n let it be :)
How lucky are we girls to be able to cry when things get tough, when we feel like shit and when things don't work out the way we want them to be. We can bawl our eyes out till we resemble something like Yoda and then move on with our lives and get stronger... it's a shame the same thing can't be easily done by men :P~~
what if crying doesn't make you stronger.. I think that's why i hate myself when I cried.. its because after it.. I felt weak and so much worse..
But if u don't cry then you're just bottling it inside. And that will be worse later on...
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