Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Terrible first

Today was my first day driving off to work by myself (kedoya - kemang, lumayan banget loh..!!!) and guess what????? Gw NYASAR!! kemana?? ke RAGUNAN!! brapa kali?? 2 kalii!!! Mustiii banget ya nyasarnya ampe 2 kali.. dah gitu muternya jauuuuuuuh banget. All because I missed the tollway exit. I swear I almost cried while driving coz of the panic attack I'm having of not knowing where I freaking am. Usually it takes 45 minutes to work especially because the traffic was good since the school holiday, its supposed to take less then 45 minutes, but it took me freaking 1 and a half hour to get to work. I have to go through the same tollway 4 times, 2 for each direction, just to get to work. I was pretty nervous when I got Simprug coz seems to me all the motorcycles just wanted to hit my car or something. But when I got to Cilandak tollway, I thought to myself 'fiuhh, I'll be fine.. all I need to do now is to exit the tollway and turn to Ampera.' But I wasn't that lucky, I missed the freaking exit.

For those of you who knew me real well must've known that I'm not good in handling emergency situation and those scenarios described above was definitely one of them. Which is why I've been driving for a few years now but haven't really drove anywhere except places that are nearby my house. Which also explains why I don't know any directions or streets in Jakarta although I've lived in Jakarta since I was born. And to put the icing on the cake, I'm one of those people who are bad with directions. I have to go through the same road at least a zillion times before I know where I'm going.

However, I've noticed that my anxiety level increases for certain cases and it will be anything that are associated with electronics or car for that matter. I remember once, I was about to drive to Puri mall (nearest mall to my house), I put the key in to start the engine but it won't turn and I tried to move the steering wheel and it won't turn as well. So the steering wheel are locked and there I was panicking myself out, calling up people to help me out. Imagine the embarassment I had when I was finally being told that all I got to do is to turn the key while moving the steering wheel coz it was an automatic lock. F.y.i, I have the same reaction when something happen to computers too.

I used to dream of having my own car.. but now that I do, I wish I still have my driver taking me and picking me up from work. *sigh*

* My writings may seem meaningless and pointless, apologies coz it was written right after I got home. It was the blabbing and stressed me.


Blogger boy said...

hey, call my number if you get caught in the middle of panic or nyasar...

~kayaknya gak membantu sih...tapi boleh dicoba lah..hehehhe....

btw, jadinya beli mobil apaan loe?

Thursday, July 06, 2006 12:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congradulation on the new Jazz, not to worry, that this car won't be as complicated as your BMW, but it runs well....cheers

Thursday, July 06, 2006 11:36:00 AM  
Blogger irine said...'re driving this weekend! Hehehe. Lets get pissseeedddd....

Thursday, July 06, 2006 5:00:00 PM  
Blogger Therry said...

at least you got a car, I have to meddle with 'angkot' everyday hahahaha....enjoy your freedom babe :) me have to get one soon...hmmmm

Saturday, July 08, 2006 3:01:00 PM  
Blogger SyL said...

boy = hehe.. i smsed last nite when I got lost to Embassy.. but u're too sick to come to my rescue.. hehehehehe. get well soon ya boy.. btw.. gw tadinya pengen bikin penasaran mobil nya apa.. tapi uda ada spoiler tuu.. hehehe

anonymous = thank you.. guess now everybody knows i got jazz.. pengennya sih bikin orang lain penasaran.

irine = i did drive this weekend.. to EX and to pluit too.. hahaha.. and we did get pissed too.. mission accomplished!!

therry = hehehe.. yes u will get one soon.. and freedom also equals to spending lots more money on petrols.. :((

Sunday, July 09, 2006 7:10:00 PM  
Blogger boy said...

wah..berarti loe ngajak gwe ke embassy karena loe nyasar??!

Monday, July 10, 2006 1:16:00 PM  
Blogger SyL said...

boy = hahaha... enga sihh.. gw ga sejahat itu kok... maren mo ngajak lounging aja rame2... dah sembuh blom??

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 10:03:00 AM  

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