Starting.. yet again
I've started working again.. It certainly feels good to be working again.. although I have to admit after being unemployed for about 5 months, working does feel tiring. Especially now that I work 2 jobs... I'm a preschool teacher and also a therapist for autistic kids.
The school I work at located very near to my dad's office, which is a good thing. Because since I work 2 jobs I don't get to see them as much as I used to. So having close workplace really helps as I can easily drop by for a while before driving off to the therapy session.
So far, I'm loving what I'm doing, although I admit it gets very tiring since I start work at 7ish a.m and got home after teaching and therapy around 7-8 p.m. Initially, my parents object what I did and lots of people were wondering if I don't feel tired. I think I do feel tired, especially if its a bad day of bad traffic, bad weather, not enough sleep, naughty and cranky student and loads of headache, but then I thought to myself, I'm still young, still in a good age for employment, able to work and not married. Why not use that opportunity to gain all the experiences I can get, make friends everywhere to create network and make money on my own. As a female, we can't deny the fact that we need to slow down sometime in future to think about family.. so while I still can.. why not?
And without any judgment to anybody, I personally think that women will be better mother and wife if she's been 'out there' creating her own self value and self worth.
ps: One important lesson that I've learned was 'the only thing worst that being extremely busy is to have nothing to do at all'. ;)