Today, I have to wake up at 8 to attend my 9 o'clock class and I found myself dragging my lazy ass to the shower.. and somehow on my way to uni I manage to start functioning my brain and think to myself 'How the hell does people wake up soo early in the morning to get into their daily routine?' and suddenly I remembered that some of my good friends are actually 'that' kind of people - the morning person type.
When I was in high school, this very good friend of mine actually woke up at 4 am and do her own stuff before getting ready to school (school starts at 7:30), and apparently my house is located so much further from the school (took around 1 hour to get to school, which means I have to leave at least by 6:30) and her house was located somewhere in between my house and the school. Well, as you guys would've suspected, yes.. I woke up at around 6ish.. I opened my eyes, a quick glance at my alarm clock.. close my eyes again and the next second I was jumping out of my bed rushing to the bathroom, took a quick shower and on my way out.. grab my socks, shoes and breakfast .. and get into the car. . and that's how I usually have breakfast.. in the car. Because of that habit, I actually made my car .. my second room. I have combs, hair-roller, hair-pin, and a small pillow and bolster.
I know that waking up early somehow means that you have a longer day and there's alot more things can be done during the day.. but no matter how hard I tried.. I just couldn't. I've tried sleeping in early, in the hope of waking up earlier, and yet when I woke up I'm still feeling a bit frustrated and still wishing that I have a few more hours of sleep. Recently I start thinking, what happen then when I start working? Will I be feeling frustrated every morning? I think and I HOPE that this is just a matter of habit. HOPEFULLY, by the time I'm working I'd be responsible enough to wake up maybe 1-2 hour before, to be well prepared.. Hahahaha.. I wish..