What I've been doin

Setting up the christmas tree.. this year, its yellow, red and gold for the tree.. To be honest, christmas in Jakarta is pretty pathetic. Coz, there's no christmas spirit AT ALL!! Its just like any other day, but then again.. we can't complain..
Other than christmas tree.. I've also been keeping myself busy with decorations for new year. Me and my extended family have a tradition upon celebrating New Year. 2 years ago, the whole family gather at one of our relative's house and all of us were expected to wear Balinese-style dresscode, since the theme for the evening are 'Jimbaran Barbeque Party'. The males are wearing some Balinese style shirt with knee-length pants and females are wearing tank tops and Balinese sarong. We also ate using the traditional rattan-made plate plus banana leaf at the base of the plate. Not only that, we also put up some torch around the garden and floating candles in the pool. Its held mostly around the garden, with a few barbeque pits. It was reallyy fun...
This year's theme is as fun as the one before.. I promise I'll write about it once its done.. Who knows if you're lucky I'll post up some pictures as welllll...
For the time being.. not only Ashley, I'd also like to wish everybody..
.....A Very Merry Christmass.....